Sunday, March 13, 2011

Survival Canned Food Challenge: Final Days & Thoughts

Well people, lets be honest, weekends for college students are how should I say this, "busy" for most, so I couldn't post this weekend I did however keeping making meals so I decided to compile all the photos for this final day.

This weekend I ate mostly leftovers (I had plenty of them) and these two meals which both were delicious. As for this little experiment I would say it was a success and very informative. I was able to get a fairly large amount of canned good for almost 1 dollar each can, it was also enough food to last further than the week I had planned. It was a great variety and I was able to make some pretty good meals, especially under the food restraints I had placed on myself. Some things I learned were that you must keep close watch of you sodium intake (of course in a survival situation this may not be paramount) many of these canned food have high levels of sodium. Also, you have to work to keep a bit of a balanced diet if your eating out of the can alone. There were some foods I missed but it wasn't unbearable and even though I am hardly a good cook the dishes turned out well. Final thoughts, it wouldn't be hard for a student or anyone for that matter to "survive" off of canned and dried foods alone, I would want to live off of them though. I also wished I could have experimented with more dried foods but I have a new found curiosity for them so I may try some down the road (which I will blog about of course) I would give this overall experience a 4.5/5, because there is always room for improvement.

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