Monday, January 31, 2011

Real World Scenarios: Riots in Egypt

Most of you out there are probably aware of the current chaos happening in Egypt due to protests against the regime of President Hosni Mubarak. From real world event we get a quick glimpse of what social unrest might look like where ever you may be, and what you might encounter. Below is a link to footage from Cairo capturing the violence unfolding.

Cairo Riot Video

From the video you can see exactly what kind of reaction people will have in this scenario. This could easily happen in any country, even now talks of a similar "Internet Kill Switch"  in america are being discussed, this could be your city or neighborhood, will you be ready?

Photos By:


  1. so if one were in a scenario like the one in Cairo then what would you advise for them to do?

  2. If I were in this scenario, evacuation, which is being done for many foreign travelers in the area, would be my first option. Some people may not have that and aren't prepared for this kind of thing. My advice:

    Get to a safe shelter, most likely your home.
    Gather and record all the supplies you may have, how much and what might you need.
    Stay inside, don't go out unless forced to, for whatever reason.
    Barricade doors and windows, keep yourself and family out of sight, low profile is best.
    Assume you are on your own, police will be busy with looters and rioters.
